Preparing pets for the new arrival.

As I mentioned I'm previous posts we have two kittens. Well not so much kittens anymore. We have Hayes who is 1 1/2 then Oakley who is now 11 months old. They were our first babies and a huge part of our family. We they are very much included in the new babies life too.
When we first got pregnant we did have some people ask us, oh well what are you going to do with the cats, as if we were expected to get rid of them. Which was not an option to us they are family. I'm sure many people will agree that pets are family too. So if you have cats, dogs, rabbits or any other pet you do not need to re-home them, but there is a few simple things you can do to get them involved and ready for their new sibling to arrive.
Firstly, cats especially, when they go outside can be a danger because they can bring in disease, like Toxoplasmosis. This is a common infection that you can catch from the feces of infected cats or infected meat. It's usually harmless but can cause serious problems in pregnancy. It can lead to miscarriages early on and many other health issues. More detail can be seen on the NHS Web page at:
So if your cats are outdoor cats it is advised to keep them in during the pregnancy. Also make sure they are bathed, brushed and de-flead and wormed regularly. Also it's advised not to feed them raw meat.
Cat litter can also be an issues or if you have any rodents like rabbits, hamster ect... It is best to get someone else to change these on a regular basis like every other day or at least one a week with a full clean out. If you can not get someone else to do this then always wear gloves, wash hands before and after.
So yes this is the basic in having animals and the dangers, which meant I am on cat litter duty and cleaning our cats throughout the pregnancy. Lucky our cats did not really go out. Hayes did here and there so they have not been to bothered about being kept inside.
However, despite these there are many positive about having animals in the household. I am sure everyone has seen all the cute videos on social media with children and their pets. With a little guidance and preparations I am sure any animal and new baby can be best of friends and live in harmony.

Our experience so far with Ben being pregnant and having cats has been really heart warming. So I believe animals can sense pregnancy and the changes through hormones and the pheromone that pregnant people give out. Our two defiantly are aware that something is going on. It was actually their behavior, during our two weeks wait that I knew Ben was pregnant. Apart from my random dreams of a positive pregnancy test. Hayes became more affectionate but only to Ben. One night we were laying in bed I went to cuddle Ben and just put my hand on his stomach. Hayes who was curled right up to Ben's stomach then bit me (which is extremely out of character) then, batted my hand away and cuddled around Ben's belly. The next day we found out Ben was in fact pregnant.
Hayes has always been a loving and affectionate cat however, more so now. He does not leave Ben alone when we are home. He sleeps right by his side and curls on his lap around the bump. He puts his paws on the bump, a few times licking it. On a few more occasions he has pushed my hand off Ben's belly or will lay in between us.
One special moment whi h we will treasure, which is the cutest thing was that when Ben was being sick one evening as he has been affected lot by this. Whilst I was in bed, Hayes had got up and followed Ben as they always do in morning after their food. However Hayes then ran back to me and was sat meowing at me until I got up, he the lead me to Ben in the bathroom. Hayes sat on his lap and was licking and pampering Ben to make him feel better. The fact he come and got me to go see to Ben and make sure he is okay was such a uquic moment. There was an animal caring for a human it was magical.
Oakley on the other hand has been a very shy and nervous kitten. He hides with new people and is very independent. He has never really slept on the bed and would preferred laying by himself or just with Hayes. He was not bothered with being pampered. He also didn't really like being picked up. But since Ben being pregnant he has also become very attention seeking. He follows us everywhere around the house. He sleeps at the bottom of the bed by Ben's feet. He still is not massive on being picked up or cuddled but will just follow us and come up for attention to be stroked or to play with him. he is more affectionate with me rather then Ben which is odd, when Hayes is protective of Ben. Oakley will try get my attention if I am cuddling Ben and seems to be getting very jealous, which is why we need more preparation for him.

Luckily we have very affectionate and calm cats, who are also very used to having children in the house. Hayes mainly because when we got him we lived with Ben's family which was a busy and noise home, where his two year old cousin lived, so Hayes was used to being handled, chased and the noise of a toddler. Logan loves Hayes, they would play together, it was so cute.Also Ben's other cousins or friends kids ranging from 1-9 were always around. therefore Hayes was every used to lots of children, adults and other animals around, with mess and noise which is why he is very social able.

We went to stay with my friend
and their new little girl when she was 5 weeks old and Hayes was only about 10 weeks old, he laid in the pram with her and cuddled up. It was the cutest thing I had witnessed. As she grow bigger and we saw her Hayes remained very protective of her. Laying by her when she played the next time we went and babysat. He also sits with MJ our friends son, who we look after occasional, Hayes will lay with him, he lays next to the travel cot while MJ sleeps. So I can't wait to see the bond he will have with the baby.
Then Oakley is used to this a bit but only occasional when we have looked after Ben's cousins or our friends babies. Because he is timid at first he run and hid under the bed but has started to get used to the noise and ciaos children bring. We often have our friend little boys who is now 1 and chases the cats around the house. However he was only a few months when he first came to stay and the cats then got used to him being in the travel cot so there weren't allowed in our room, overnight, then him crying to which they would run over to make sure he was okay. Oakley and Hayes would lay with him on the floor and play with the toys with him as he got older.

So they are very prepared and used to all ages of children being in the house and have adapted very well with no real preparation, however they may have also learnt that it's on occasion and get very attention seeking when the kids have gone home. So to have a new born baby who is here to stay still may need some more getting used to from our fur babies.
Therefore with all this I have been researching on how to prepare pets especially cats for the new arrival and wanted to share some of these tips with everyone.
These things are mainly for cats but I'm sure go for dogs too.
- Prepare the nursery and let your pets sniff and have a feel of this new furnture or space.
- If you can introduce your pets to other babies or children like friend or family members kids.
- Leave baby items like blankets, bounser around for the pets to explor
- Put new baby smells like baby lotions or talcum powder around the house, also on your own skin when letting or playing with your pet. To allow them to get used to this smell in a safe and reassuring way.
- Play baby sounds, like crying, giggling and laughing around the house. Start it off qui kly to no scare your pets, then as they get used to it play it louder or for longer.
- If their is any areas in the home that is going to be out of bounds once the baby is here start training pets as early as you can that they are no longer aloud in this room or on certain furtainure.
- Don't give your cat more attention to try make up for the lose of attention that may come when the baby is here. Because they will then expect this level and become more upset when baby's here. But also when the baby is here make sure your still giving your pets so attention and one on one time so they don't feel pushed out or abandoned.
- Making sure pets medical check ups are done, they are defeed, wormed and have behaviour training if they need it.
- When the baby is first Brough home it is important to first bring in a blanket or item of clothing for you pets to smell to get used to the babies scent. Then bring baby in and let your pet smell, look and explore them safely. Reward calm and good behaviour.
- Also never leave the baby and pet together unsupervised. There are items such as baby gates or moses baskets and cot net covers to help keep the baby safe.
Lastly you know your pet best so make sure ypu do what you think your pet needs to be able to accept and deal with a new baby, if you pets unfortunately is not well behaviored or not responded well then you may need to consider rehoming options but hopefully the little tips will help prepare your pets for the new baby and everyone can live together happily.
So please leave a comment if you have ever had experience with pets when pregnant as I am very interested and have been reading a lot about their awareness and how animals can sense pregnancy, or any tips on how you prepared your pet for the new arrival and how they behaved after the baby was born.