Wednesday, 27 June 2018

first we found each other.

First we found each other

It all started on November the 25th 2016, when Ben added Shane on facebook, we were both on a Trans support page on facebook, where we had commended and seen each other however, had never really spoken personally. So when I got this add from Ben, I messaged saying do I know you (at first I did not recognise his profile).  He replied saying well we don't really but I think you are hot. This honestly shocked me and I liked that he was being very forward. So as we got chatting and I looked through his profile I realised he was trans and realised I noticed him from the trans group. We also had a lot of mutual friends. 

The more we talked the more we started to really connect and feel for each other. So we Skyped a few times and arranged to met up. On the 6th of December Ben traveled to Canterbury to stay with me. I was so nervous to met him, as I stood at the coach station I had butterflies in my stomach. I was so nervous, however from the moment he stepped off the coach and we hugged I just knew it as meant to be. We got on so well. That night he watched me sing in my choir's performance then we went clubbing. We shared our first kiss on the way while trying not to let my friends see as they would think it was all very soon. But me and Ben just knew it was right. We both been through so much and connected so that is all that mattered. 

The week we spent together was perfect, when he went back to London I missed him so much, we Skyped all the time. It was not long before we met again as I went to London to see him, more so it was the first time I met his family, they were all lovely which was great as I sat with them all while Ben had work. with the help from Ben's cousin I asked Ben to be my boyfriend on the 16th December by writing him a letter. I was so happy he said yes. He then came to spend few days with me during Christmas and I was at his for new year. So although we lived over 2 hours away we saw each other a lot. 

Some people may say it was to quick but that did not matter. I was falling in love and had never felt this way. Quickly after that Ben got a job in Ashford and moved there. He would stay at mine most of the time. He got me through hard times and through my last year of university without him I do not think I would have done it. In May he had surgery and I finished uni so we moved to London together. We lived with his Nan and granddad. It was lovely actually living together, I had started a job in a special school and everything was going so well. 

Of course there was ups and downs, although we never really argued we fought through everything together and it made us stronger. We also got a kitten together because we wanted our little family, to be able to have company for Ben while I was at work and he was recovering. Hayes was our baby and was very spoiled haha. 

In the summer we went to trans pride together which was an amazing weekend. It was very special because Ben proposed to me on the 23rd July 2017. It was at the pride picnic at the Marlborough pub. He was going to do it on the actually trans pride day however, it rained and was cut short, so he waited to make sure it was perfect, which it was. 

We had always talked about having a family and had lots of different plans on how that would happen, like adopting or one of us carrying. But first we needed a place together, firstly we looked at moving away to Bristol. We had a plan to save for the year and stay at his families until we had enough to move there and got jobs there. However then Ben started working at the same school as me and we were settled there. Also the stress of his family and living in such a small room around all the stress was too much to handle so we started looking for a place in London. 

November 4th we official moved into our own place as a couple. We found a nice 2 bedroom flat in a quiet private estate in Wimbledon. I was so exciting as we got to decorate and make it our home. We got lots of stuff from work and furniture from our families to make it a proper home. Hayes settled in well but got lonely when we were both at work. Therefore we got him a furry friend. We brought Oakley who was so tiny and shy that at first him and Hayes did not get on and we were worried we would not be able to keep him. Lucky they are now the best of friends. It was so lovely watching their bond grow because now they cuddle up together, groom each other and play all the time. It is great having them as well because it makes the house feel more like a family home. 

Mine and Bens relationship also continued to grow and we just wanted a baby so much. having the spare room too made it feel like that is what we were missing. We loved each other so much and wanted a family. This is where our journey to being Daddies began. 

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