Saturday, 28 July 2018

12 week scan.

12 week Scan 

On the 27th July 2018 we have our 12 week scan where we properly got to met our little one. While we had two early scans because the baby was so small they were hard to see. We were very excited but also nervous as we already had some scary moments. As well as being worried about how Ben would be treated as a pregnant man. We were lucky that so far and in this appointment we have not had any issues from medical staff or receptionist.  

We went into the scan and the sonographer was very respectful treating Ben just as a pregnant person, she did not highlight the fact he was a man or different from any pregnancy which was very reassuring. 

Our first glimpse of our baby was just that haha because they were jumping all over the place. The baby was moving and turning, waving all their limbs around which was very funny, they were definitely active and healthy which was a relief. The sonographer had difficulty however to get all the measurements she needed to because our baby would not stay still for even a second, the baby kept looking straight at us and in the position she needed to take measurements then turnt around quickly as if they were doing it on purpose to torment us all. This meant we got to see them and hear their heart beat for a long time but also we had to take a break and wait while Ben drunk lots of water in order to settle the baby. 

It does explain why Ben had got a lot of sickness and twinges because the more the baby moves the worse the morning sickness and nausea is apparently. Second try and the baby was asleep however only for a while before turning all around again. This unfortunately meant that the sonographer had to do a transvaginal scan to get a better look at the baby in order to measure their neck and spine. This combined with the screening bloods we had the week before, is able to give a figure on the chances if a baby has a higher risk of having down syndrome or other disabilities, which we have a very low chance. Not that this would be a problem for us because we would have just dealt with whatever the outcome and have the knowledge from working with special needs. 

She was able to completely the scan after almost a hour, and we got some lovely scan photos of our little one despite all their wiggling. At least we know they are very healthy and we are going to have a wiggly baby throughout the pregnancy, nonetheless if they are anything like Ben that is no surprise as he is very active and can not sit still for long. So wish us luck for when they are here if they are going to be a very active, on the go baby. 

Meet our new addition to our unique family. 6 more months to go and we can not wait. 

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